NESmaker news: Strategy Guide available now

The official NESmaker Strategy Guide, which has been teased for quite some time now, finally is available! This is the official handbook for anyone using the 4.5-series of NESmaker. Order your copy online now.

From the official product page: “This is the official handbook for getting started with NESmaker 4.5. In it, you will find a collection of information, strategies, tips, and tricks for creating your first game with the software, as it explores every menu, interface, and keyboard shortcut. Also included is a spread highlighting some of the amazing games created by the NESmaker community.”

While much of the contents of this book can be found online, this makes for a great addition to anyone’s retro gaming shelf. The first print is expected to arrive January 2024 though, so you’ll need a little patience still.

The NESmaker Strategy Guide is available on the Retroverse for $40 (ex VAT and shipping). Get your physical copy here: NESmaker 4.5 Official Handbook. Its raw, unedited and undesigned contents are also available in PDF-format here.